Takao Rock Dagou Music Festival 2024: Experience Kaohsiung’s Electrifying Music Scene (October 11-13)

Takao Rock Dagou Music Festival 2024: Get Ready to Rock Kaohsiung!

Image taken from Takao Rock Dagou Festival

Get ready for three days of electrifying music at the Takao Rock Dagou Music Festival 2024! From October 11th to 13th, the Kaohsiung Pop Music Center and Pier-2 Art Center Dayi C10 Warehouse will transform into a vibrant hub for music lovers.

Event Details:

  • Dates: October 11th (Pre-festival Party), 12th & 13th, 2024
  • Main Event: October 12th – 13th
  • Venue: Kaohsiung Pop Music Center, Yancheng District, Kaohsiung City (Including Pier-2 Art Center Dayi C10 Warehouse)
  • Organizers: Ministry of Culture, Kaohsiung City Government, Kaohsiung City Government Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung Pop Music Center

Don’t Miss Out – Plan Ahead!

  • Tickets: Grab your tickets now! 👉 Ticket Link
  • Schedule: While we’ve got you covered with the current schedule below, be sure to check the official website for the latest updates. Specific event times are subject to change.
  • Accommodation: Looking for a place to stay? Check out hotels near the venue: 🛏️ Hotels near the event

Stay Connected:

Event Schedule (Subject to change):

October 11th Schedule_Image taken from Takao Rock Dagou Festival

October 12th Schedule_Image taken from Takao Rock Dagou Festival

October 13th Schedule_Image taken from Takao Rock Dagou Festival


October 11

Elephant Gym, The Locals, Gigantic Roar

October 12

Main Stages:

老王樂隊 (Lao Wang Band)

持修 (ChihSiou)

甜約翰 (Sweet John)

安溥 (Anpu)

血肉果汁機 (Flesh Juicer)

Near Band 你阿伯

瑪莉咬凱利 (Mary Bitos Kerry)

icyball 冰球樂團

Resa Club


K6劉家凱 (feat. 陳珊妮/Sandee Chan)

生祥樂隊 (Sheng-Xiang & Band)

The Loophole 露波合唱團

氣志團 (Kishidan)


Mary See the Future

雷擎 (RayRay)

含金鵲 (Kingfisher)



巴奈 (Panai)

無菌室 (Germ-Free Room)

琳誼 (Ring)

DJ 林貓王

DJ Mykal a.k.a. 林哲儀

Cooperation Stage/Interviews:

普通隊長 (Captain Ordinary)

歲樂團 (Band-Age)

老王樂隊 訪問 (Lao Wang Band Interview)

氣志團 訪問 (Kishidan Interview)

Special Guests/DJs:

Julian Mareen Jazz Quartet


DJ 陳涵 (Han Chen)

DJ CcozZ 章章

October 13

HUSH: 13:00-13:40

DSPS: 13:30-14:10

宇宙人 (Cosmos People): 14:00-14:40

理想混蛋 (Bestards): 15:00-15:40

TRASH: 16:00-16:40

BSB & DJ 薪皮 MR.SKIN: 13:00-13:40

白安 (Ann Bai): 14:40-15:20

潮州土狗: 15:10-15:50

夕陽武士 (Sunset Samurai): 16:50-17:30

Momni Money: 13:30-14:10

好日 (HoNi): 14:00-14:40

MOTIF HIVE: 15:40-16:20

EmptyORio: 16:20-17:00

YILE LIN 林以樂: 17:20-18:00

告五人 (Accusefive): 17:00-17:40

FLOW (JP): 18:00-18:40

Little Shy on Allen Street: 18:30-19:10

萬芳 (Wan Fang): 19:00-19:40

滅火器 (Fire EX.): 21:00-21:40

黃玠: 18:00-18:40

吳汶芳 (Fang Wu): 18:30-19:10

戴佩妮 (Penny Tai): 20:00-20:40

庸俗救星 (Vulgar Savior): 20:10-20:50

Cooperation Stage (合作舞台)

HUSH 訪問 (Interview): 14:30-15:00

瑋琪五重奏: 14:30-15:00

周自從 (Since Chou): 15:00-16:00

LIVE PODCAST 火爆浪子 (FireBro) w/ 普通隊長 (Captain Ordinary 佳維&東燁): 16:00-17:30

白安 ANN 訪問 (Interview): 17:00-17:30

DJ YU: 17:30-19:00

吾橋有水 (Flooding Bridge): 19:40-20:20

DJ Swallow a.k.a 妖嬌: 20:30-22:00
