2024 Materials, Components, and Equipment Industry Statistical Data Utilization Paper Competition

Calling all Students! Win up to 5 Million Won in the 2024 Materials, Parts, and Equipment Industry Data Analysis Competition!

Analyze real-world data and share your insights on the future of Korea’s materials, parts, and equipment industry for a chance to win!

What We’re Looking For:

We want to hear your innovative ideas on the materials, parts, and equipment (MPE) industry, covering areas like technology, supply chains, and more. You can explore topics like:

  • New supply chain models for the MPE sector
  • Statistical analysis of specific industries and products
  • Data-driven policy recommendations
  • Global supply chain insights derived from statistical analysis

We especially encourage submissions related to Korea’s MPE policies, such as specialized complexes and leading companies.

To participate, you must utilize public statistical data available on the SoburangNet platform. You can also incorporate other government-approved statistics and public or private data.


  • Research Proposal Submission: June 20, 2024 – July 14, 2024
    • Selected proposals will receive research funding. However, this funding must be returned if the final paper is not submitted.
    • You can still submit a full paper even if you haven’t submitted a research proposal or your proposal wasn’t selected.
  • Full Paper Submission: July 15, 2024 – August 30, 2024

Submission Format:

  • Research papers (approximately 10 pages, A4 size)
  • Case studies, methodological papers, etc.


  • Undergraduate and graduate students (individual or teams of up to 3 members)
  • International students can only participate as part of a team that includes at least one Korean student.

How to Apply:

Submit your paper online through one of the following journal submission systems:

  • Korean Association for Public Policy Analysis (KAPPA) Journal Submission System: [Link]
  • The Korean Society for Technology Management & Economics (KSTM) Journal Submission System: [Link]


Over 13 million won in prizes will be awarded to 10 winning teams:

  • Grand Prize (Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award): 5 million won (1 team)
  • Excellence Award (President of Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology Award): 3 million won (1 team)
  • Merit Award (KAPPA President Award & KSTM President Award): 1 million won (2 teams)
  • Encouragement Award: 500,000 won (6 teams)

Awards Ceremony:

The awards ceremony will be held on October 11, 2024, at the KAPPA Fall Conference.


Contact the competition organizers at: [email protected]

For detailed information, please visit the official competition website.

Operating Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (excluding weekends, holidays, and lunch break from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM)

Korean Association for Public Policy Analysis (KAPPA):

https://kaps.or.kr/ Tel: +82-2-553-5465

The Korean Society for Technology Management & Economics (KSTM):

https://technology.or.kr/ Tel: +82-2-877-2310

Hosted by: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology

Organized by: Korean Association for Public Policy Analysis, The Korean Society for Technology Management & Economics
