Combat Hangeul Neglect: Win the “Find My Hangul” Short Video Contest

Find My Hangul: Combatting Neglect of the Korean Alphabet Through Video

Calling all Hangeul enthusiasts! Do you have a passion for the Korean alphabet? Are you concerned about its neglect in the digital age? This is your chance to make a difference while showcasing your creativity!

The "Find My Hangul" short-form video contest aims to raise awareness about the increasing neglect of Hangeul in our daily lives. We’re seeking engaging and thought-provoking videos that highlight this issue in a relatable and captivating way.

What is Hangeul Neglect?

Hangeul neglect encompasses various practices that undermine the proper use and appreciation of the Korean alphabet. This includes the excessive use of:

  • Foreign languages
  • Loanwords
  • Distorted Hangeul spellings

Who Can Participate?

This contest welcomes anyone with a passion for Hangeul! To ensure a level playing field, submissions will be divided into two categories:

  • Elementary, Middle, and High School Students
  • College Students and General Public

Important Dates

Mark your calendars! Here’s a timeline of the contest:

  • Submission Period: August 1st, 2024 – August 31st, 2024
  • Evaluation Period: Mid-September 2024
  • Winner Announcement: October 2nd, 2024 (Wednesday)
  • Award Ceremony: October 9th, 2024 (Wednesday) at Cheongnaru Main Stage, Cheongna Lake Park, Seo-gu, Incheon (Attendance is mandatory for award recipients.)

Submission Guidelines

Ready to share your masterpiece? Here’s how to submit your entry:

  1. Upload Your Video: Share your video on social media (ensure your post is set to "public") using the following hashtags:
    • #FindMe
    • #HangeulCultureFestival
    • #HangeulWeek
  2. Submit Your Application: Complete the official application form on Naver Form: Application Form. Remember to include the URL of your uploaded video in the form.

Video Requirements

To ensure your video is eligible for judging, please adhere to these technical specifications:

  • Resolution: 1080×1920 pixels or higher
  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16 (vertical format)
  • Duration: Within 60 seconds
  • Thumbnail: Finalists must submit a representative image (thumbnail) with a resolution of 1280×720 pixels or higher in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format.

Evaluation Criteria

Our esteemed panel of judges will evaluate submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance: How well does the video address the theme of Hangeul neglect?
  • Entertainment Value: Is the video engaging and enjoyable to watch?
  • Creativity: Does the video showcase originality and innovation?
  • Expression: Is the message conveyed effectively and powerfully?
  • Overall Quality: Does the video demonstrate technical proficiency and artistic merit?

Please Note: Videos that specifically target and expose certain organizations or companies will be disqualified.


A total of 25 prizes will be awarded, recognizing outstanding entries across both categories:

  • Grand Prize (1 winner): KRW 1,000,000
  • Gold Prize (1 winner per category): KRW 500,000
  • Silver Prize (1 winner per category): KRW 300,000
  • Bronze Prize (10 winners): KRW 50,000 Onnuri Gift Certificate

Terms and Conditions

  • Submissions that do not meet the evaluation criteria may not be eligible for awards.
  • Private social media accounts are not eligible to participate.
  • Multiple submissions are allowed, but participants can only win one prize.
  • Videos that have won awards in other contests or utilize generative AI are not eligible. If any of these conditions are discovered after the announcement, the award will be revoked, and the prize money must be returned.
  • All images, music, videos, fonts, etc. used in the video must be copyright-free. Participants are responsible for securing necessary permissions and ensuring that all copyright and portrait rights issues are resolved before submission.
  • Videos must be appropriate for public display and should not contain any commercial content, overly provocative material, or content that violates public morals.
  • Participants are responsible for any disadvantages caused by spelling errors (according to the National Institute of Korean Language), poor video quality, or playback errors.
  • Plagiarism or unauthorized use of copyrighted material will result in disqualification, even after the winners are announced.
  • Evaluation scores and details will not be disclosed, and the judging panel’s decisions are final.
  • Winners must submit both the original video and a clean version (separate subtitles and audio).
  • All other matters not mentioned above are subject to the organizer’s discretion.